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Holistic Therapy Professionals Chicago


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Our careers can be rewarding but also very physically, mentally, and emotionally draining. As a licensed massage therapist, I am quite familiar with these feelings. As caregivers we tend to put others’ needs before our own. While this is beautiful, noble, and heroic, this is also recipe for a burn-out. As they say, we can’t pour from an empty vessel. That is why Self-care is the gift that keeps on giving. Personally, we feel best when helping others. So Holistic Therapy Professionals would like to offer our services to those who put their lives and energies on the line everyday. We are calling it the #GratitudeChallenge. We challenge you to show appreciation

In our pursuit to make the world a better place, we’d like to provide a free hour of chair massage at your office for your staff. Additional staff can be accommodated at the discounted rate of $1 per minute.  That’s more than 50% off our regular price! This is our way of saying thank you for all that you do for our city. 

 We’d bring all the necessary supplies, which includes: licensed and insured massage therapists, massage chairs, and self-care handouts for your staff to keep.  All we need from you is space to set up our chairs, your preferred time and date, and permission.

Only valid for first 10 people who:

1. Like and follow Holistic Therapy Professionals on Facebook or LinkedIn
2. Send message confirming your interest
3. Willing to provide a review of the experience

Let the #gratitudechallenge begin!

Chanese Mitchell, LMT
Preventative Care Specialist / Owner 

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