Sports massage

Do you have a specific problem area? Are you experiencing restricted range of motion in your neck, arm or other area? Sports massage was developed for athletes but it benefits anyone with restricted range of motion, chronic pain or injuries.

Sports massage emphasizes the prevention and healing of injuries to muscles and tendons.

Our highly trained therapists use a targeted combination of Swedish massage techniques and trigger point therapy. The massage stimulates blood circulation which aids in healing the problem areas and trigger point therapy to smooth out the knots in the problem area. This will increase range of motion while strengthening muscles around the joints.

Sports massages can be scheduled before an event so that they help to prevent injury, after a strenuous event to normalize the body’s tissues, during training to help you increase your physical therapy or training, or as a rehabilitative session aimed at alleviating pain due to injury or stress on the body.

A sports massage generally focuses on a specific part of the body or problem area.


For more information or to schedule a service, call us at 312-834-7812