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In-home massage

Compassion Fatigue AKA Burn-out


Compassion Fatigue AKA Burn-out

This summer I attended an event hosted by Rooted Thoughts, a Los Angeles based hair education platform. #ARootedNight delivered on its title. Tasty food & drinks, diverse backgrounds of the attendees, and candid progressive conversation all made this night refreshing and inspirational. The speakers ranged from corporate curriculum developers to energy healers. The thread that tied it all together was the theme of self-care. The idea that you must fill up your reserves before you pour into anything else became apparent by the end of the night. We are beautiful and kind creatures. We all want to help make this world a better place. However, in our pursuit of saving the world, we forget to help ourselves. We become out of touch with our own needs because we have put more effort into tending to others. Though noble, these habits can lead to early burn-out or even a total mental breakdown.  


Burn-out Interventionist, India Dunn, spoke about the term “compassion fatigue” aka burn-out. She described it as “a general lack of excitement for work, being tired all the time, preferring isolation, getting migraines, excessive food/drugs/TV, numbness or zombie-like feelings. As she talked about the symptoms I contemplated about my own experiences. I realized that most of my clients and I have been on the verge of a complete burnout. Personally, I had to take a step back from work that I love to do. The onslaught of new clients and business opportunities put a lot on my plate. In the process, I failed to take care of self and started to feel overwhelmed. I even considered changing careers. It was starting to take a toll on my relationships, then my peace of mind, and finally my business. The things I’d worked so hard for were so close I could see the finish line, but I had no energy left to actually cross it. I had to stop. I didn’t work for over three months and it took me an entire year things back in order. I understand we all don’t have that luxury so my hats off to those who have persevered for decades! But it’s time give back to ourselves.


I appreciate that experience. It re-sparked my love for massage therapy by helping me deeply understand that massage is a holistic way to manage stress. People need this! For that, it is a Divine gift. I learned that life is a marathon. We have to fundamentally understand that speeding through our short and long-term goals leaves us no time to stop and smell the roses. We have become so overproductive that it's becoming counterproductive. If we forget to tend to ourselves and our relationships we won’t be able to enjoy the fruits of our labor with the ones we love.  Forgetting to self-care is not saving you time or money. It’s an expensive ticking time bomb! Costly and time consuming problems like injuries, high blood pressure, ulcers, mental breakdowns, anxiety, lack of intimacy, even some diseases can be prevented. We can be ambitious creators and still maintain great health and relationships. All we have to do is plan and practice until it becomes a habit. 


We at Holistic Therapy Professionals believe it is our mission to create personalized self-care regimens that facilitate the bodies own self-healing properties to prevent burnout and injury. Our latest series #Back2Us is created for couples to maintain peace and support within their relationships. We call this Partner Care and its next step in your self care regimen. Our partners play a large role in how we feel, right? This couples massage class will help to maintain a therapeutic environment within your home. Click the link here for more information.

For more information on Compassion Fatigue and burnout


Is it me or was 2017 absolutely exciting and exhausting?

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Is it me or was 2017 absolutely exciting and exhausting?

Is it me or was 2017 absolutely exciting and exhausting?! I mean we certainly got a lot accomplished. But at what costs? For me, my personal relationships and health took a back seat to my professional development. 2017 was the time to chart new territories, redefine yourself, and be bold in our expression. Sounds super progressive, right? Yes! Yet super exhausting 😓. Turns out blazing our own trail and letting go of un-serving habits can be overwhelming. And to add more bitter-sweet icing to the cake; 2018 will continue to yield bigger and more exciting opportunities! 2018 will require us to be powerful. Our greatness is ready to embrace us and we are ready for it too. Opportunities will be abundant, but this year let’s make conscious effort to manage our stress and maintain our relationships in healthy ways. Having a self-care regimen will ensure this. For every 40 hours you work, you’re body deserves at least 4 hours of self-care. No more putting them on the back burner! We will take care of you for you!

Holistic Therapy Professionals is proud to announce we are expanding to a new location in West Loop- Chicago, IL. As past guests of Chicago Massage and Bodywork, we’d like to thank you by offering you exclusive pricing on some of our most requested services. These deals expire December 31st, don’t miss out! 

60 min Signature Massage for $69

2hr Couples “Back2Us” Massage Course $99

4pk 30 min Swedish Massage (chair or table)  $119

Use promo code “Back2us” 

Looking forward to seeing you all very soon. Enjoy this blessed holiday season. My gift to you is one gratitude. I send powerful intention to our Divine Mother/Father Creator that we all manifest peace in our minds, bodies, and relationships to create a nourishing environment for us all. So be it! 


Chanese Mitchell, LMT

Preventative Care Specialist / Owner

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Holistic Therapy Pros

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Holistic Therapy Pros

Holistic Therapy Pros offers a pleasant, relaxing experience in a serene sanctuary where the stresses of city life melt at the caring touch of our highly trained massage therapists. All of our therapists have multiple certifications, enabling them to approach each session holistically, considering the body, mind and health conditions of each person who comes to us.


Your health is a network comprised of your body, mind, and energy. If one aspect starts to fail, it can (and typically does) impact the rest. Our aim is to keep your network running at full capacity by providing a personal approach to your care.


It is a challenge to stay healthy in a busy world with many competing priorities and stressors: constant deadlines, demanding bosses, long work hours, children, ailing loved ones and the list goes on. It can take a toll on you emotionally, mentally and physically, if you don’t take time to take care of yourself first.


That is why we offer a range of services that include Chair Massage for when you’re on-the-go, House Call Massage Services for your convenience, and immersive experiences like our Signature or Swedish massages (elevated by Guided Meditation or Aromatherapy). We give you an array of options for self-care to best suit your needs.


We have assembled a team of licensed therapists who each hold a secondary certification in specialties like Reiki, Postural Analysis and Thai Massage to ensure that you will always be in the hands of a trustworthy, competent and talented therapist.


We aspire to help you feel your best so you can be at your best.

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